Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friends of Fayette Double Donations

Friends treasurer Donna Winters and Park Supervisor Randy Brown are all smiles over doubling donations for a replacement fence at Fayette Historic Townsite.
If you have visited Fayette Historic Townsite within the last few years, you probably noticed that the fence behind the furnace needs replacing. This project has been discussed for several years but no funding or labor was available. 

Now, with the new Recreational Passport system in place for the state park system, funding has become available for such projects. Earlier this year, the Friends of Fayette Historic Townsite submitted an application to the DNR and it was accepted for the fence replacement project which will cost approximately $11,000 in total. The Friends have sent their half of the money to the State of Michigan which will set up an account for the fence. The DNR will add a matching amount and work on the project is expected to be completed before the snow flies.

Thanks to all our committed donors who have faithfully supported our efforts! We are highly encouraged by the results of our joint efforts to make a difference in the beauty and safety of the townsite!